The First Award ceremony of Young Reporters Network and photo exhibition took place on April 28 in the National Centre of Chamber Music. About 200 young reporters from Yerevan and all the regions of Armenia were present at the ceremony.
The event summed up the project implemented by Manana Center called “Strengthening freedom of expression through promotion of young citizen journalism” which was funded by European Union. During the ceremony the most active and outstanding young citizen journalists have been awarded in different categories such as “The best essay”, “The best publicist”, “The author of the most touching story”, “The most creative team” and others.
Hundreds of project participants, aged 14-24 from Yerevan and all the regions of Armenia, write articles, create photo stories and documentary films on various topics. Through human-centered stories they present the lives of ordinary people, the challenges they face in their education, the problems of their communities.They write and shoot films about people who inspire them, about the life in a borderline village under constant shootings, about living in a family where both parents have left to work abroad.
The project was also important for dozens of beneficiaries who have graduated last year and continued their professional education in journalism or a related field. Among the project participants who will graduate this year, there are even more young people who have chosen that profession.
Manana Center intends to continue working with Young Reporters Network of Armenia and make the award ceremony an annual event.